John 4: 13-15 AMPC
Good Morning Beautiful Friend,
I’m happy to say that I am starting to feel better as I heal from COVID. As I recover, I continue to think about how quickly life can be interrupted by the unexpected, like a pesky virus. I’ve thought about people in the Bible whose lives changed in a moment because of an unexpected encounter, event, or even illness – and how the interruption affected the lives of others around them.
There are many examples of men and women whose lives changed dramatically when God changed the direction of their lives. For instance, in the Old Testament, Noah built an ark to save people from the flood when no one had seen rain before that cataclysmic event (Genesis 5-9). Joseph was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, thrown into prison after being falsely accused, and then rose to be second in command in Egypt (Genesis 37-47). Esther was a young Jewish woman who was taken into the king’s harem and became queen so the Jewish people would be saved from death by an envious evil man named Haman (Esther). Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Joshua, Ruth, Naomi, David, Jeremiah, and many others in the Old Testament went about their everyday lives only to have the Lord interrupt them for His purposes.
In the New Testament, we see the pattern continue as God sends His Son to earth to interrupt the lives of an untold number of people who were often dramatically transformed, healed, and forgiven so that their lives could be living testimonies of God’s grace. The 12 men Christ called to be His closest disciples were all going about their daily business – from fishermen to tax collectors – but chose to follow the Savior when He called (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
These people were going about their lives, doing what needed to be done, when God changed the course of their lives. The verse I chose today is about a woman who was an outcast in her culture and could only go to the well for water during the heat of the day because other women scorned her. Jesus went out of His way to meet her, and He graciously interrupted her life to offer her living water. She received the gift He offered her, ran back to her village, and shared the good news with everyone who would listen. Please read John 4 to get the complete picture of how Christ interrupted this woman’s life.
Life is full of interruptions, some that bring excitement and joy, others that bring grief and sorrow. I often don’t handle the changes well, wanting life to continue as I think it should. But God’s ways are not my ways, and His plans often differ from mine. How I choose to respond to the interruptions is up to me. I can grumble and complain (I’ve done far too much of this) or trust God and lean on Him.
Having COVID meant many plans had to be canceled or postponed. However, good has come from this unexpected illness. I’ve been able to have extended time reading Scripture, praying, and listening to music that encourages my soul. On the practical side, I haven’t had to fill the tank as often with the high gas prices.
As you go through the day, take some time and think about how the interruptions you experience have changed your life. Have they drawn you closer to God or pulled you away from Him? Study the Bible and see how God has used others’ interrupted lives to show His faithfulness. Life’s interruptions aren’t always pleasant, but God will carry you through them as you lean on Him, trusting that His love never fails.
In His Grace,
Gracious Father, I come to You in the precious name of Jesus Christ, thankful for the living water that Jesus offers all who come to Him for salvation. Forgive me for grumbling and complaining when life is interrupted. Help me see that You have a plan in the interruption and give me a heart to respond by trusting Your faithfulness. Lord Jesus, help me remember that when life is interrupted, it’s an opportunity to draw closer to You and allow the living water of Your grace to nourish my soul. Amen
**Today, as you read this, I pray you will know for sure you are in Christ Jesus. If you have any doubts, please call out to God so that all doubt is erased. Today is a good day to be assured of Salvation in Christ Jesus. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at**