Grace Notes – Gracious Help

    “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;

      From where shall my help come?

      My help comes from the Lord,

      Who made heaven and earth.”

                  Psalm 121:1-2 AMPC

 Grace Perspective:

The writer of this Psalm turned away from the valley he was in and looked up towards the mountains, seeking help from a source he couldn’t see with his eyes. Yet, he knew by experience that the Lord would provide what he needed. Like the psalmist, we all need help. Where we turn to find help reveals a lot about whom we trust.

The psalmist reminds us that the LORD made the heavens and the earth, so nothing is too complicated for Him. And God has not left us alone to struggle through life. He is ready and waiting for us to seek His help. Though it is difficult to take our eyes off our problems (big and small), when we turn our hearts to the Lord, He will help.

A touch of grace:

  Where do you look for help?

  How long does it take you to ask for help? Why?

 Grace Application: 

Help! I’m not very good at asking for help. How about you? Self-reliance is a sin I regularly confess. This Psalm reminds me that God has proven that He is my help, provider, strength, refuge, and strong tower. 

It’s humbling to think that the Lord Who made heaven and earth wants to help us. Yet, His love is so strong that He will provide what we need. His help may not be what we expect, but He knows exactly what we need.

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a recognition that we aren’t meant to do life alone. Seeking the Lord doesn’t mean we don’t ask for help from others. We need others to help us and encourage us in our walk with Christ. The Lord provides like-minded friends so we can remind each other that He has proven Himself trustworthy over and over. As we turn our eyes and hearts toward the Lord, we can trust that He will graciously bring the help we need at the right time. Trust Him, dear friend, and know that He is faithful.

Gracious Prayer:

Gracious Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, thankful that You are my help, strength, refuge, and strong tower. You made the heavens and the earth to reveal Your glory. Forgive me when I refuse Your help and try to do life on my own. Help me remember the truth that You are faithful to bring help when I seek You. Help me to encourage others as we turn our eyes toward the mountains of heaven, knowing You wait for us there. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.

**Today, as you read this, I pray you will know for sure you are in Christ Jesus. If you have any doubt, please call out to God, so all doubt is erased. Today is a good day to be assured of salvation in Christ Jesus. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at**