“I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.”
Philippians 1:12-13 ESV
Grace Perspective:
The apostle Paul traveled long distances and endured incredible suffering to share the gospel of grace. He wrote the book of Philippians while imprisoned in Rome. In this passage, Paul reassures believers in Philippi that though his circumstances are less than perfect, he knew God had tasks for him to do right where he was. Paul wasn’t sitting in his cell thinking about the rotten people who put him there or that he was in chains. Instead, Paul saw his circumstances as an opportunity to share“ the cause of Christ.”
Paul was imprisoned because some Jewish leaders in Jerusalem wanted to stop him from spreading the gospel. They planned to kill him, but God prevented them from doing so. (See Acts 23-28) However, they hoped that Paul’s captivity would stop his ministry efforts. Instead, the men who had set out to destroy Paul aided in the gospel message reaching more and more people. Paul didn’t let his surroundings or suffering keep him from being used mightily by God. Instead, he kept telling anyone who would listen about Jesus Christ. He saw imprisonment and chains as an opportunity to boldly tell others about “the cause of Christ.”
Paul focused his efforts on sharing Christ, so the “cause” became “well known throughout the whole praetorian guard and to everyone else.”(Philippians 1:13b NASB) Paul wasn’t bogged down by bitterness or self-pity. He saw his prison predicament in Rome as the perfect place to preach the gospel of grace.
A Touch of Grace:
What challenging circumstances are you facing now?
How can you share the gospel of grace in your current circumstances?
Grace Application:
Unlike Paul, I have never been imprisoned for sharing the gospel. However, I have experienced difficult circumstances. My life has had its share of unexpected and unplanned pit stops that challenged my belief that the gospel could be shared through them. At times I’ve asked the Lord, “How in the world can You use this for Your glory?”
As I read this passage, I see that my attitude towards difficult circumstances indicates how much I trust God. My response to suffering reveals what’s in my heart. It saddens me to know how often I give myself over to grumbling and complaining. I often forget that God has a purpose for EVERYTHING, and He wastes nothing if we allow Him to work through them.
Paul’s circumstances were more challenging than mine have ever been. Yet, he chose to see them as an opportunity to be a light to those around him. Paul bloomed where he was planted. Like Paul, we can embrace our situation and seek to share Christ with those around us. We can show others the “cause of Christ” through our difficulties. When we trust that God’s grace is sufficient for all our circumstances, we can share the Gospel with others who need to know Christ Jesus as Savior.
Gracious Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, thankful that You show me that You have a plan for every circumstance. You promise never to leave or forsake me, even when I suffer. Forgive me for not trusting You. Help me live my life in a way that advances the Gospel of Grace, so others may come to know Jesus Christ as Savior. Amen.
**Today, as you read this, I pray you will know you are in Christ Jesus. If you have any doubt, please call out to God, so all doubt is erased. Today is a good day to be assured of salvation in Christ Jesus. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at graceisdawning@gmail.com**