Grace Notes – Gracious Lamp

     “Your word is a lamp to my feet
       And a light to my path.”

                   Psalm 119:105 ESV

Grace Perspective:

God’s word is a lamp that gives light, showing us where to place our feet on the path of life. Scripture gives us direction, inviting us to draw close to God and avoid the side trails that move us far from God. The truth in the Bible illuminates right from wrong, good from evil, and reveals the lies that can easily lead us down a dark path filled with obstacles that cause us to stumble. 

Our feet can wander off the path quickly if we don’t have the right Guide to lead us. Jesus is the Light of the world and desires for us to walk with Him. In John 8:12, He says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” How do we know where to walk, which path to follow? Light comes when we trust Jesus to be our Savior. The Bible is the gracious lamp that guides us as we follow Him. 

A Touch of Grace: 

  How does the Word of God light your path?

 How are you following Jesus today?

Grace Application: 

Where we place our feet as we walk impacts our future. Do we turn right, left, continue straight ahead, or make a u-turn? Where do we turn for guidance, for directions? What happens when we try to blaze our own trail without His light to guide us?

I’ve wandered off the path God was leading me on many times. I’ve chased after “squirrels” that caught my attention and teased me promises of satisfaction and fulfillment, only to find myself stumbling into the dark pit of despair. Seeking my own way, apart from God, led to paths darkened by selfishness, pride, and emptiness. When I turn back to God, spending time in His word, I have enough light to crawl out of the pit and get back to following Jesus.

The Bible tells us how we are to live: humbly trusting God for wisdom and direction. He asks us to spend time getting to know Him, seeking truth that reveals how and where we are to follow Him. Are you ready to let Him light your path? I pray you will let His word light your way today, to chase away the darkness that causes you to stumble and fall. May His gracious lamp guide you step by step towards Heaven.


Gracious Father, I come to You in the precious name of Jesus Christ, thankful for Your Word that gives me light to know where to take the next step. Forgive me when I choose my own way instead of trusting Your light to lead me. Help me to walk in humbly, trusting You to guide me with Your gracious lamp, the Word of truth. Amen

 **Today, as you read this, I pray each of you will know for sure you are in Christ Jesus. If you have any doubts, please call out to God so that all doubt is erased. Today is a good day to be assured of Salvation in Christ Jesus. If you have any questions, please contact me at**