Grace Notes – Gracious Perfecting       

And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return] developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.”

                           Philippians 1:6 AMPC

Grace Perspective: 

The Apostle Paul wrote this to the believers in Philippi, encouraging them to remain confident in God’s work within their hearts. This truth reassures us as well. As we face the challenges each day holds, we are confronted with the choice to trust in our sufficiency or trust God to supply what is needed for us to serve Him. Paul reminds us that God, Who began the good work within us the day we trusted Christ as our Savior, will continue to mold us and complete us until we meet Him face to face. The work He is doing isn’t comfortable; it’s refining. 

This aspect of grace assures hearts worn from the ongoing battle between our flesh and the spirit. God promises this perfecting grace will make us complete preparing us for the day He calls us home. Take comfort in this truth, dear friend. Lay aside any idea that you must work to be perfect for the Lord. It is His job to perfect us, not ours, and He alone knows the best way to accomplish this good work. 

A Touch of Grace:

    How do you struggle with perfection?

    How is God perfecting you?

 Grace Application: 

Do you struggle with perfectionism? I do. Pride is at the core of the desire to look perfect, to be perfect. Pride is where self-sufficiency stems from, and it keeps us from humbly seeking God’s help. When we strive to do our work apart from God, in essence, we are telling the Lord we don’t trust Him. I fall into this sin far too often, neglecting the truth of this passage. I find myself confessing the sin of pride and asking for forgiveness for falling again into self-reliance. 

God’s work within hearts, perfecting us for His purpose, is a slow, gradual process that will take a lifetime to achieve. I find myself impatient at the slowness of the process. I want to be further down the road, so I accomplish more for His kingdom. Yet, God is not in a hurry as He works out the sin that easily entangles me. Instead, He reminds me when I stumble that He is there to forgive me, to renew His strength in me so that I can turn my heart back to what matters, His glory.

My focus needs to be on Him. He’s not as concerned with the outcome of a task as with my heart attitude towards it. Who am I trying to please or impress? This determines if I am seeking my glory or His. My job is to be obedient to Him and trust Him to supply what is necessary for His purposes.

You see, God provides all we need to accomplish His purposes. At the moment of salvation, all our sin is forgiven, and perfecting grace begins to work in our hearts, preparing us for the work God has for each believer. Our job is to rest in the knowledge that as we travel the road of sanctification, God will supply the strength, stamina, energy, and wisdom we need each step of the way. 

His perfecting grace refines us, scraping callouses from our hardened hearts so it will hear His voice. If you are following Christ, trust that He Who began a good work in you promises to finish it. It won’t be easy, but you will be ready to see our Savior face to face when it is complete.


Gracious Father, I come to You in the precious name of Jesus Christ, thankful that Your grace is continually perfecting me for Your purposes. Holy Spirit, please reveal any sin that is entangling me and keep me from the sin of self-sufficiency. Remind me that Your perfecting grace is at work within my heart as You prepare me for eternity with You. Amen

 **Today, as you read this, I pray each of you will know for sure you are in Christ Jesus. If you have any doubts, please call out to God to erase all doubts. Today is a good day to be assured of Salvation in Christ Jesus. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at**