Grace Notes – Gracious Tenderness

Be kind and helpful to one another, tender-hearted [compassionate, understanding], forgiving one another [readily and freely], just as God in Christ also forgave you.”

                      Ephesians 4:32 AMPC

Grace Perspective: 

Tender-hearted, to graciously forgive sin. This scripture reminds us that as God forgives us our sins, we must forgive others when they sin against us, readily and with a tender heart. The word “tender-hearted” means compassion. How many of us like to be treated with kindness and understanding when we hurt others?

God’s forgiveness is so powerful not only are all our past sins covered, but even those we haven’t committed. Simply put, forgiveness is not about us; it’s about Christ. Christ redeemed us, and our sin is completely forgiven, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12). 

With the stain of our sin wiped clean by Christ’s sacrifice, how do we treat others who sin against us? First, by remembering how much we have been forgiven. Then with a kind and tender heart, we forgive those who hurt us because God has freely forgiven our sins in Christ Jesus. Jesus paid the penalty for us, willingly suffering in our place. With this in mind, forgiving others should flow from a heart tendered by His gracious kindness.

 A Touch of Grace: 

    How has Christ shown tenderness to you?

    Who do you need to show the same tenderness?

Grace Application: 

Christ has shown such tenderness towards me and forgiven all my sins, which are too numerous and ghastly; how can I not forgive others? God forgave my sin, all my sins, knowing that I would continue to sin after coming to Christ for salvation. God’s forgiveness is all-encompassing, so grand that I can’t fully comprehend what it means. If God forgives me and calls me His child (see Ephesians 1:5), what keeps me from freely forgiving others? 

Extending tender forgiveness is easier said than done. God’s grace compels me to forgive, but I can’t do it alone. My flesh will fight it, especially when the hurts are deep. Wounds caused by betrayal, rejection, abandonment, abuse, and the list goes on all cut to the core of who we are. Understanding that forgiveness is about what Christ did on the cross brings perspective to why I need to forgive others.

For years I thought forgiving someone meant the pain didn’t matter. Pain caused by sin always matters. Sin is a big deal. It’s caused grief since Adam and Eve chose to believe the lie that God was holding out on them. (Read Genesis 3) 

Forgiving others doesn’t mean sin is excused. It means allowing God to deal with it as He sees fit. Forgiving isn’t dependent upon others acknowledging the hurt or asking for forgiveness. Nor does forgiveness mean we must be reconciled to the one who hurt us. Instead, it means giving up our “right” to punish someone else and giving God room to work on hearts that are hardened by sin. Finally, it means we get to walk in freedom from the bonds of bitterness that unforgiveness brings.

Being kind, tender-hearted, and compassionate isn’t a sign of weakness. On the contrary, Christ modeled these traits for us so that we would extend the same understanding to others. And given the political and social climate encompassing the world today, we could all do with more gracious kindness. So how will you reflect Christ’s forgiveness today?


Gracious Father, I come to You in the Precious Name of Jesus, thankful for Your tender kindness that overwhelms my soul. Knowing that Christ Jesus’ death on the cross has freed me from the penalty of sin should tender my heart toward others. Forgive me, Lord, for holding on to the pain others have caused. Help me to forgive (______________). I release them to You and ask You to work in their hearts so they find freedom in Christ. Lord, give me a tender, kind, compassionate heart, willing to freely forgive as I have been forgiven. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.

**Today, as you read this, I pray each of you will know for sure you are in Christ Jesus. If you have any doubt, please seek God so all doubt may be erased. Today is a good day to be assured of salvation in Christ Jesus. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at**