Grace Notes – Gracious Test

“Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience]

  produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace].

  And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work,

 so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith],

 lacking in nothing.”

        James 1:3-4 AMP

Grace Perspective: 

James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote this passage of Scripture to assure us that our faith needs to be tested. Why? So that we know in the very core of our being that God’s word is true, that God is who He says He is, that we know that Christ Jesus is our Savior and that we are in Him.

We also need the testing of our faith to show us that we can endure the various trials that we will face in life. Experiencing various trials helps build our endurance, enabling us to mature in our faith in Christ. Tests help us glorify God, as we trust Him to give us the strength and grace that produce endurance and reveal that our faith in Him is genuine. 

The enemy of our souls will bring many tests and trials to see if our faith in Christ is genuine. But, dear friend, hold tight to your confession of faith in Jesus, He is the anchor of our soul, and He will graciously give us all we need to endure the testing of our faith. 

“Faith is as vital to salvation as the heart is vital to the body: hence the javelins of the enemy are mainly aimed at this essential grace.” (Spurgeon)[i]

A Touch of Grace: 

How is your faith being tested?

What results do you see as you endure tests?

Grace Application: 

Have you ever thought that your faith needs to be tested? Apparently, God does. Like metal used for building, our faith needs to be refined to pull out impurities that cause it to be weakened. Having our faith tested helps us know more deeply who God is and that He can be trusted. Tests and trials strengthen our faith in God.

James wants us to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that God is using the difficulties in our lives to produce something good. When God chooses to test our faith, it is to build endurance. What is endurance? The Greek word used here is hypomonē and pronounced hü-po-mo-nā’. It means:

         *steadfastness, constancy, endurance

         *in the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved

         *from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety 

         *by even the greatest trials and sufferings

         *patiently, and steadfastly 

         *a patient, steadfast waiting for

         *a patient enduring, sustaining, perseverance ii

Have you ever felt like your life was an unending marathon? Me too! Our faith grows as we learn to endure the pain of trials and trust that God is working in our hearts to create something good. I often ask God if He thinks I can bear the test. I easily fall into the sin of self-sufficiency, pridefully relying on my own strength. I find myself confessing and repenting the same sin over and over. But God’s grace is immeasurable, and I’m reminded of the truth that we can bear up under the strain of the tests in His strength. 

Gracious Prayer:

Gracious Father, I come to You in the precious name of Jesus Christ, thankful that You test my faith so that I will be complete and lacking nothing when I see You face to face. Forgive me when I fail the tests, relying on anything other than You. Holy Spirit, help me grow in my faith so that You are glorified in my trials. Thank you for sustaining me as my endurance grows, and may the testing of my faith show others that they can trust You too. Amen

  [i] StudyGuide2017-Jam/Jam-1.cfm?a=1147003_david/
